Prepackages are goods in packaging that are marked by the packer with a predetermined nominal quantity and sealed by the packer in the absence of the customer, such that the actual contents of the packaging cannot be altered without opening or damaging the packaging (§ 2, “Definitions”, of the Metrology Act).
The aim of the system of checking the conformity of prepackages with requirements and ensuring the actual contents of prepackaging is to ensure the free movement of goods in EU Member States and also to ensure the certainty of customers (buyers, wholesale and retail sellers) of the production company (packer) as well as the certainty of market supervision authorities that the packaged nominal quantities correspond to the data provided on the label.
Metrosert provides companies with certification of the system of ensuring the actual contents of prepackaging. A certificate issued by Metrosert confirms that the company has implemented and maintains an effective system of checking the conformity of prepackaging with the requirements and ensuring the actual contents of prepackaging in accordance with the requirements of the Metrology Act. A certificate of conformity is issued for 3 years. The issue of a certificate necessitates the obligation to perform monitoring of the company’s system of checking the actual contents of prepackaging once a year.
A list of organisations certified by Metrosert
Basic documents of certification
- Section 16 of the Metrology Act, “Requirements for prepackages, handling and checks thereof”
- “The mandatory pre-determined nominal quantities of prepackages, the requirements for the marking of prepackages, the tolerable error of the actual contents of prepackages from the nominal quantities and the procedure for checking the actual contents of prepackages” (Regulation No. 7 of the Minister of Economic Affairs and Infrastructure)
- Council Directive 76/211/EEC
Stages of certification
Offer request
The volume of work related to certification is calculated in auditor days based on the number of packaging lines and different packages. An offer is made on the basis of an offer request. A certification agreement is concluded with the organisation that has agreed to the offer.
Certification audit
A certification audit for verifying conformity with the requirements is conducted by a competent team. The audit consists of two stages. First, the conformity of the documentation with the requirements of the Directive is checked, including the relevance of the procedures for checking the actual contents. Second, compliance with the procedures for checking the actual contents is assessed. On the basis of the number of packaging lines and packages, the required number of packages is checked, as well as the documentation and metrological tools related to packaging. The findings made in the course of the audit are analysed in conjunction the customer. The process outlines the impact of the findings on the efficiency of the company’s activities. The result of the certification audit is presented to the customer as a written report. The company has up to 3 months to rectify irregularities.
Issue of certificates
A certificate is issued upon rectifying the irregularities found in the course of the certification audit. A certificate is valid for three years. During the validity of the certificate, the conformity of the company with requirements is checked in regular supervisory audits.
Supervisory audits
Supervisory audits held during the validity of the certificate are conducted upon agreement with the customer at an interval of 6, 9 or 12 months. The aim of a supervisory audit is to ascertain compliance with the procedures for checking the actual contents. The result of a supervisory audit is presented to the company as a written report. The company has up to 3 months to rectify the irregularities found.
Renewal of certificates
The validity of an issued certificate can be extended after every three years. The extension of the validity of a certificate takes place within the framework of a supervisory audit.
Cancellation or suspension of certification
Metrosert may cancel or suspend a certification, if:
- the customer has violated regulations on which the certification is based, or the terms and conditions of the certification agreement;
- the validity of the certificate has been arbitrarily extended to areas or departments that have not been certified;
- the customer does not allow for the timely performance of supervisory audits;
- the customer has provided incorrect data upon certification or during supervision;
- the customer has failed to give notice of changes in its management system;
- the customer is unable to rectify the irregularities found in the course of an audit;
- the customer has incurred a financial debt to Metrosert;
- the customer’s organisation has discontinued its activities;
- the customer has submitted a respective request or letter;
- another certification institution has taken over the respective certificate.
The validity of a certification may be suspended for up to 6 months for good reason (except for the first supervisory audit after initial certification). If the validity of the certification cannot be restored after 6 months have passed, the certification is cancelled.
Restoration of certification
Certification can be restored if the circumstances that led to the suspension have been resolved, following the customer’s respective notice. In order to restore a certification, a short notice audit may need to be undertaken.
Extension or restriction of the area of certification
Metrosert may restrict the extent of certification in the following cases:
- the customer is unable to rectify irregularities that have been classified as significant within the granted term;
- the customer has submitted a respective request.
If the customer is unable to rectify irregularities that have been classified as significant within the granted term, the suspension or restriction of the certification must be considered. A certification can be restricted in parts that do not affect the overall conformity of the certification issued to the customer with the certification requirements.
An organisation has the right to request the extension or restriction of the area of certification in the event of changes in products, processes, service or production location or in order to fulfil the requirements of another standard. Upon new sites being added, the sampling rules shall be added to the new sites independent of the number of the organisation’s certified sites, and the new sites shall be added to the others after certification.
In order to have the area of certification extended, the organisation submits the documentation concerning the area related to the extension. Metrosert assesses the conformity of the documentation with the data presented in the extension request and conducts an audit to the extent of the area of extension. In the case of a positive decision, a certificate with a new area of certification is issued.
Upon the area of certification being restricted, the valid certificate is cancelled and a certificate with a new area of certification is issued.
Short notice audits
Metrosert may, if necessary, carry out audits at short notice (up to three days) or without prior notice:
- to investigate complaints;
- to respond to changes that have taken place at a customer;
- for the follow-up check of a suspended certification.
The Head of the Certification Division appoints auditors to conduct such an audit. An audit is aimed at investigating the circumstances that called for the audit. Depending on the audit results, the certification institution decides on further action – the suspension, cancellation or restoration of the certification.
Use of certificates and certified management system marks
Customers who have been certified by Metrosert and hold a valid certificate have the right to use a certified mark (e.g., on the website and in brochures, catalogues, offers or orders related to the organisation’s certified activities). A more detailed information concerning the use of certificates and certified marks is available here. Please forward any questions related to the use of certificates and marks by e-mail to
Metrosert’s accreditations
Further information
AS Metrosert’s Certification Division