The Applied Research Center (ARC) at AS Metrosert focuses on developing unmanned vehicles (air, water, and land) in collaboration with companies and partners. This field aims to provide expertise in drone technologies, testing and certification services, and support the implementation of innovative solutions.
Main Areas of Activity
Research and Development Services
The ARC’s drone technology unit has organised three teams of researchers:
- Unmanned aviation team – focusing on unmanned aviation concepts across various subsystems and drone types.
- Communication and navigation team – focuses on secure communication, various communication technologies, navigation systems, sensors, artificial intelligence, and data centre solutions.
- Flight physics team – focuses on aerodynamics, materials, platform development, new energy carriers, and more efficient engines.
All teams also offer the possibility of conducting simulations.
Laboratory Services
ARC is establishing multiple laboratories to support the development of unmanned vehicles and product lifecycle activities. These include:
– EMC laboratory (emission, immunity, RCS)
– Acoustics laboratory
– Climate laboratory
– Corrosion laboratory
– Pressure laboratory
– Dust laboratory
– Wind laboratory
– Vibration laboratory
– Electronics laboratory
Furthermore, we plan to establish an outdoor testing area to test drones in a real environment.
Consultation Services
– Project management
– Industrialization consulting
– Expert opinions on product and subsystem selection
Clients and Cooperation Partners
The main clients are companies and government agencies in Estonia and the wider region and international organisations, mainly within the EU and NATO frameworks. The most important client segments are:
– Government agencies
– Estonian companies
– Foreign companies
– Research institutions
In summary, the development of ARC’s drone technology field is essential for Estonia’s advancement as an innovative and high-tech country, bringing benefits in numerous areas of life.

Rainer Kivimäe
Head of Drone Technologies Unit
+372 5335 8884