On April 25, in Paldiski, the Estonia Hydrogen Valley and the government jointly discussed the future of Estonia’s hydrogen sector at the roundtable “Räägime suud puhtaks” (“Let’s Speak Up”). The discussion focused on how to best utilize Estonia’s existing conditions and hydrogen-based products in transportation, industry, energy, and exports. Additionally, the topic of how to lead the implementation of hydrogen technologies in Estonia through collaboration between various organizations and the government was also addressed.
The Estonia Hydrogen Valley and the government are working together to elevate Estonia’s hydrogen economy to a new level.
“In the context of the green transition, the current economic models no longer work, and both the state and the private sector need to rethink their roles to maximize Estonia’s potential in the winds of change,” emphasized Jaak Viilipus, Head of the Maritime Department at the Ministry of Climate.
The meeting focused on Estonia’s potential for hydrogen use in the transportation, industry, and energy sectors, the stages of hydrogen sector development, and the vision for hydrogen use in the Estonian economy up to 2050. “Green hydrogen is a clean energy carrier, a long-term energy storage solution, and Estonia has the opportunity to make a hydrogen leap, bypassing more environmentally burdensome versions of hydrogen and thus making a substantial contribution to the green transition while ensuring energy security,” said Marek Alliksoo, a representative of the Estonia Hydrogen Valley.
Estonia has promising opportunities to adopt hydrogen in transportation, industry, and energy, and to become an exporter of hydrogen technologies and hydrogen-based products. Alexela’s Development Manager Artur Dianov stated, “We have always been pioneers of innovation, and hydrogen and its derivatives are a natural progression.”
A good partner for the state in supporting the development of the sector in Estonia is the Hydrogen Valley initiative, which aims to make the local energy system, primarily based on fossil fuels, more sustainable. The initiative is coordinated by the Estonian Hydrogen Technology Association and actively represents the viewpoints of the Estonian hydrogen sector, gaining experience in the economically viable and environmentally sustainable production, transport, storage, and use of hydrogen, to prepare for the growth in hydrogen production volumes by the end of this decade.
The event brought together representatives from the government, cities, companies, and ministries. The event also saw the participation of Priit Ilomets, Head of the Hydrogen Technologies Division at Metrosert. The steering group of Estonia’s Hydrogen Valley includes Alexela, Eesti Energia, the Port of Tallinn, the University of Tartu, and the city of Tartu.
For more information, contact Marek Alliksoo at marek.alliksoo@h2est.ee or +372 567 29717.