It is the vision of EURAMET and its members to ensure Europe’s leading position in the world in metrological capability, based on high-level research and an effective inclusive infrastructure that would be able to promptly respond to the needs of the end user. EURAMET’s metrology networks support the achievement of this goal and AS Metrosert as the national metrology institute participates in three European metrology networks:
The European Metrology Network for Smart Electricity Grids (EMNSEG). The The EMN for Smart Electricity Grids provides support for standardisation, testing, and the research and development of national smart grid development and implementation strategies. By promoting a reliable and robust measurement infrastructure, the EMN for Smart Electricity grids will help Europe to meet its sustainability and climate change goals and support the energy systems of the future.
More information about the network is available here.
The European Metrology Network for Quantum Technologies (EMN-Q). The The European Metrology Network (EMN) for Quantum Technologies provides active coordination of European measurement science research to maintain competitiveness in the field of quantum technologies. By promoting and facilitating knowledge sharing, collaboration and the uptake of measurement science in the development of quantum technology, the EMN Quantum Technologies will establish globally accepted measurement services for quantum technologies and devices.
More information about the network is available here.
The Baltic and Nordic smart specialisation network EMN-SSNE (European Metrology Network promoting Smart Specialisation in Northern Europe). The EMN-SSNE network supports the regional coordination of metrology activities in developing services by organising training and communicating with stakeholders.
More information about the network is available here.