As the national metrology institute, AS Metrosert represents Estonia as a full member in the European Association of National Metrology Institutes, EURAMET e.V.
EURAMET is a pan-European metrology organisation that coordinates cooperation between the European national metrology institutes. The aim of the organisation is to develop an internationally competitive measuring infrastructure in Europe, including:
- to ensure access to the SI primary standards;
- to coordinate the intercomparisons of national measurement standards;
- to organise cooperation in metrology related research and development;
- to facilitate the joint use of technical possibilities;
- to develop technical competence and quality systems.
EURAMET administers research financing programmes in the area of metrology – the European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR) and the European Partnership on Metrology (EPM), in which Metrosert takes part as the national metrology institute.