Force and torque


Metrosert calibrates tensile and compression force measuring instruments in the range of up to 500 kN, and force-generating instruments in the range of up to 2 MN.

Torque measuring instruments are calibrated in the range of 0.1 N·m to 3000 N·m.

Common measuring instruments that require calibration include:

  • Dynamometers
  • Force sensors
  • Tensile testers
  • Pull and/or compression based testing machines and presses
  • Torque wrenches
  • Torque testers, torque test equipment
  • Vehicle brake force measurement stations


Metrosert provides force and torque measurements (for instance, to test whether a product withstands the nominal load).


The measurements of force and torque measurement instruments are traceable to the measurement standard of the Finnish national measurement standard laboratory VTT Mikes, the measurement standards of the Swedish National Testing and Research Institute (RISE), the measurement standards of the Polish Central Office of Measures (GUM) and the measurement standards of HBM GmbH (German calibration laboratory).


Koit Uustalu
+372 526 5198