
General terms and conditions of metrology services

CodeServicePrice EUR
Time based tariff (one hour of working time)Request an offer

Additional point +20% of main price
201030Time and frequency measures and measuring devices calibration 10-9U<10-6Request an offer
201050Time and frequency measures and measuring devices calibration 10-5U<10-3Request an offer
201070Signal generator calibration 0,01 Hz…1300 MHz (non-accredited up to 8 GHz)
(frequency measurement up to 10 points), 10-9U<10-8
Request an offer
201080Signal generator calibration 0,01 Hz…1300 MHz (non-accredited up to 8 GHz)
(frequency measurement up to 10 points), 10-7U<10-5
Request an offer
201130Signal generator bandwidth calibration (10 Hz…1 MHz, 0,1 mV…10 V),
service is applied additionally to service code 201070 or 201080
Request an offer
201120Attenuator calibration (1 Hz…2200 MHz, -67 dBm…+23 dBm),
non-accredited measurements
Request an offer
201150RF power meter calibration (DC…2,2 GHz, -67 dBm…23 dBm)
RF power supply calibration (DC…18 GHz, -30 dBm…+20 dBm; 9 kHz…6 GHz,
-67 dBm…23 dBm), non-accredited measurements
(one level at 5…7 frequencies and 5…7 levels at one frequency)
Request an offer
201140Oscilloscope calibration (horizontal and vertical scale – amplitude and period/frequency,
up to 2 channels, each additional channel +20 %)
Request an offer
201190Timers/stopwatches (mechanical) calibration (up to 3 points) U≥0,1 s Request an offer
201210Timers/stopwatches (digital) calibration (up to 3 points) U≥0,05 s Request an offer
201200Tachometer calibration (up to 5 points)Request an offer
201220Tachograph programmer calibration (output frequency, speed, W-factor and clock test)Request an offer

Additional function/parameter/range +20 % of main price
202010DC voltage measures calibration (0,0001≤U<0,001) %, service of national measurement standard laboratoryRequest an offer
202050Voltage, current and power measures/sources/measuring instruments calibration
(includes up to 2 parameters with one range, up to 5 points in range)
Request an offer
1µV…1 kV/10 µA…10 A, DC…1 MHz (0,001≤U<0,005) %
202060Voltage, current and power measures/sources/measuring instruments calibration
(includes up to 2 parameters with one range, up to 5 points in range)
Request an offer
1µV…1 kV/10 µA…3 kA, DC…1 MHz (0,005≤U<0,1) %
202180Voltage, current and power measures/sources/measuring instruments calibration
(includes one parameter with one range, up to 5 points)
Request an offer
1µV…1 kV/10 µA…3 kA, DC…1 MHz (0,1≤U<1) %
202190High voltage source and kilovoltmeter (>1 kV) calibration
(one range, voltage and current, up to 5 points)
Request an offer
TRANSDUCER INDICATORS (electrical simulation of temperature, pressure etc.)
Additional function/range/channel/5 points +20 % of main price
203030Transducer indicator (with DC voltage, DC current or resistance input) calibration
(one function/range/channel, up to 5 points)
Request an offer

204060Safety test device ≤1 kV (up to 2 functions) calibrationRequest an offer
204110Combined test device calibration (includes 3 functions ≤1 kV and one range >1 kV)Request an offer
204064Additional parameter of the function, applied with 204060 or 204110. Price code is applied when the number of parameters in each measuring function is greater than 2Request an offer
204062Safety test device ≤1 kV calibration, each next function, applied with 204060, 204110Request an offer
204112Safety test device calibration, each next function >1 kV, applied with 204110Request an offer
204070ESD device calibration (Wrist Strap, Footwear Test Station etc.), voltage indicator calibration, one functionRequest an offer
204130Spark tester calibration (voltage, short circuit current, spark tester sensitivity,
according to IEC 62230)
Request an offer
204140Spark tester each additional module calibration (applied with 204130)Request an offer

Additional range +20% of main price
206070Resistance measure (10-3…104) Ω calibration, one value, (1≤U<5) µΩ/Ω, service of national measurement standard laboratoryRequest an offer
206080Resistance measure (10-3 … 108) Ω calibration, one value, (0,001≤U<0,01) % Request an offer
206120Resistance measures and measuring devices (10-3 … 1010) Ω calibration, 1 range
(0,01≤U<0,05) %
Request an offer
206100Resistance measures and measuring devices (10-4 … 4010) Ω calibration, 1 range
(0,05≤U<0,5) %
Request an offer

Multimeter calibration includes DC & AC voltage, DC & AC current and DC resistance calibration. Calibration guide: Euramet cg-15. Additional function +20 % of main price (frequency, capacity etc.)
211302Multimeter (7 or above numerical places, maximum reading over 8999999 counts) calibrationRequest an offer
211330Multimeter (6 numerical places, maximum reading 8999999 counts) calibrationRequest an offer
211340Multimeter (5 numerical places or maximum reading 199999) calibrationRequest an offer
211370Multimeter (4 numerical places, maximum reading 19999) calibrationRequest an offer
211310Multimeter (up to 3 numerical places, maximum reading 1999) calibrationRequest an offer
211320Multimeter calibration, one function (DC or AC current, DC or AC voltage or DC resistance) (0,005≤U<0,1) % Request an offer
211380Current clamp calibration (current)Request an offer
211390Current clamp calibration (up to 4 numerical places, current, voltage, resistance)Request an offer
211200Scope meter (incl. vehicle diagnostic tester) calibration (DC voltage, AC voltage and DC resistance up to 2 inputs; DC current, AC current with one measuring probe; horizontal and vertical scale of oscilloscope up to 2 channels/probes)Request an offer
211210Scope meter (incl. vehicle diagnostic tester) calibration, additional parameter (e.g. frequency)/
input/probe (e.g. current clamp). Applied with 211200
Request an offer


Additional measuring function +20 % of main price.
Inductance – field of non-accredited calibration
221024Capacitance and resistance (measures) calibrationRequest an offer
221044LCR-meter (resistance, capacitance) calibration (0,05≤U<0,5) % Request an offer
221034LCR-meter and AC bridge calibration (0,005≤U<0,05) % Request an offer

Additional frequency +20 % of main price
221050Electrical conductivity standard calibration at 2 frequencies (1,0…59,5) MS/m,
(60; 120; 240; 480) kHz, (0,6≤U˂1,4) %
Request an offer
221051Electrical conductivity standard calibration at 2 frequencies, incl. measurement of temperature coefficient (1,0…59,5) MS/m, (60; 120; 240; 480) kHz, (0,6≤U˂1,4) %Request an offer

Additional point, range, parameter etc +20 % of main price, excl. sound level meters
Device with voltage/current output +20 % of main price
207054Hygrometer calibration (up to 3 humidity points at one temperature)Request an offer
207055Thermohygrometer calibration (3 temperature points + 3 humidity points at one temperature)Request an offer
207056Thermohygrometer with data logger calibration (3 temperature points + 3 humidity points at one temperature)Request an offer
207060Climatic chamber calibration (one temperature, one relative humidity)Request an offer
207061each additional temperature or relative humidity (applied with 207060)Request an offer
207062each additional measuring location (applied with 207060)Request an offer
207114pH-meter calibration (3 points, pH 4; 7 and 9,21)Request an offer
207230Sound level meter calibration, 1 frequency weighting (A or C), 4 frequencies
(31,5 Hz; 125 Hz; 1 kHz; 8 kHz) and 3 levels (94 dB; 104 dB; 114 dB)
Request an offer
207270Sound level meter calibration, additional frequency weighting (A or C, same frequencies and levels) or additional frequency (3 levels), applied with 207230Request an offer
207280Sound level meter conformity assessment/calibration (according to EVS-EN 61672-1:2013, acoustical method)Request an offer
218010Areometer / Density meter calibration (up to 3 points, range 650 kg/m3…1850 kg/m3,
U≥0,1 kg/m3; includes one temperature point for the areometer with incorporated thermometer)
Request an offer
218020Density meter calibration using CRMs (water density at 3 temperature + 1 density at one temperature in the range 692 kg/m3…1622 kg/m3, U≥0,1 kg/m3)Request an offer
218030Additional density using CRMs, applied with 218020Request an offer
218050Alcoholometer calibration (up to 3 points; includes one temperature point for the alcoholometer with incorporated thermometer)Request an offer
207240Dissolved oxygen meter calibration (up to 3 points)Request an offer
207250Electrical conductivity meter calibration, range 84 µS/cm…24,80 mS/cm (up to 5 points)Request an offer
207251Electrical conductivity meter calibration, additional point in range (14,94…84) µS/cm, applied with 207250, price depends on the selected calibration pointRequest an offer
207260Breath analyzer (exclud. evidential breath analyzers) calibration (3 points)Request an offer
207300CO2 meter calibration (up to 3 points), range (200…10000) ppmRequest an offer

Additional point +10 % of main price
208014Force gauges and transducers up to 1 kN calibration (up to 5 points) U≥0,1 %Request an offer
208024Force gauges and transducers up to 50 kN calibration (up to 5 points) U≥0,1 %Request an offer
208130Force gauges and transducers over 50 kN calibration (up to 5 points) U≥0,1 %Request an offer
208150Force transducers up to 50 kN calibration, mV/V output (up to 10 points) U≥0,1 %Request an offer
208044Dynamometric (torque) wrench up to 400 Nm calibration (up to 5 points) U: (0,3…0,5) % Request an offer
208054Dynamometric (torque) wrench over 400 Nm and up to 1 kNm calibration (up to 5 points)
U: (0,3…0,5) %
Request an offer
208045Dynamometric (torque) wrench with digital readout or with specific adapter, up to 400 Nm calibration (up to 5 points) U: (0,3…0,5) % Request an offer
208055Dynamometric (torque) wrench with digital readout or with specific adapter, over 400 Nm and up to 1 kNm calibration (up to 5 points) U: (0,3…0,5) % Request an offer
208056Dynamometric (torque) wrench over 1 kNm and up to 3 kNm calibration (up to 5 points)
U≥1 %
Request an offer
208140Pull-, and pressure testers and testing machines up to 1 kN calibration (up to 5 points)
U≥0,03 %
Request an offer
208064Presses and testing machines over 1 kN and up to 2 MN calibration (up to 5 points)
U: (0,03…0,15) %
Request an offer
208114Torque tester <20 Nm calibration (up to 5 points) U≥0,5 %Request an offer
208104Torque tester (20…400) Nm calibration (up to 5 points) U≥0,3 %Request an offer
208105Torque tester over 400 Nm calibration (up to 5 points) U≥0,3 %Request an offer
208124Vehicle brake testers calibration (braking force and vehicle weight parameters, up to 5 points each parameter)Request an offer

Additional filling mark, flow +20 % of main price
209010Volumetric glassware calibration (measuring cylinders and volumetric flasks, up to 3 filling marks)Request an offer
209130Piston pipette calibration (up to 2 filling marks)Request an offer
209115Fuel dispenser calibration (max flow ≤130 l/min)Request an offer
209120Liquid meter calibration on site (one flow Q< 30 m3/h) U: (0,1…0,5) %Request an offer
209125Measuring system/liquid meter (for oil products) calibration (max flow >200 l/min)Request an offer

Additional point +10 % of main price. Additional tests (determination of minimum weight, additional tests with tare etc.) +50 % of main price.
Calibration of weights – the price for single weight
210340Weight E2 (1 mg…50 kg) calibration, service of national measurement standard laboratoryRequest an offer
210020Weight F1 (1 mg…1 kg) calibrationRequest an offer
210050Weight F1 (2 kg…50 kg) calibration, service of national measurement standard laboratoryRequest an offer
210030Weight F2 (1 mg…20 kg) calibrationRequest an offer
210040Weight M1 (1 mg…5 kg) calibrationRequest an offer
210150Weight M1 over 5 kg and up to 50 kg calibrationRequest an offer
210180Non-automatic weighing instruments, class I calibration (up to 10 points) U: (0,01…20) mgRequest an offer
210190Non-automatic weighing instruments, class II up to 30 kg calibration (up to 10 points)
U: (0,1…200) mg
Request an offer
210270Non-automatic weighing instruments, class II, over 30 kg and up to 200 kg calibration
(up to 10 points)
Request an offer
210210Non-automatic weighing instruments, class III up to 200 kg calibration (up to 10 points)
U: (0,3…10) g
Request an offer
210230Non-automatic weighing instruments, class III up to 500 kg calibration (up to 5 points) U: (4…12) g Request an offer
210240Non-automatic weighing instruments, class III up to 2 t calibration (up to 5 points) U: (12…50) gRequest an offer
210250Non-automatic weighing instruments, class III up to 5 t calibration (up to 5 points) U: (50…100) gRequest an offer
210260Crane scale calibration (over 5 t and up to 50 t) (up to 5 points)Request an offer

Additional point, range, parameter etc. +10 % of main price
212070Dial indicator; inner, depth and thickness gauge with dial indicator calibration (up to 10 points)
U: (2…50) µm
Request an offer
212120Micrometer (0…25) mm calibration (up to 5 points) U: (2…4) µmRequest an offer
212130Micrometer (25…100) mm calibration (up to 5 points) U: (2…5) µmRequest an offer
212140Micrometer >100 mm; inside- and depth-micrometer and micrometer head calibration
(up to 5 points) U: (2…30) µm
Request an offer
212162Inside micrometer head (<200 mm) calibration U: (2…5) µmRequest an offer
212163Inside micrometer head (≥200 mm…<600 mm) calibration U: (2…15) µmRequest an offer
212168Inside micrometer head (≥600 mm…1000 mm) calibration U: (15…30) µmRequest an offer
212167Micrometer setting measures and extension rods calibration base price, applied when submitted to calibration without micrometer, as standalone gauge; applied with 212145-212161, 212164-212166Request an offer
212164Inside micrometer extension rods up to 50 mm calibration U: (2…5) µmRequest an offer
212165Inside micrometer extension rods up to 500 mm calibration U: (2…10) µmRequest an offer
212166Inside micrometer extension rods up to 1000 mm calibration U: (12…30) µmRequest an offer
212145Micrometer setting measures up to 100 mm calibration U: (1…5) µmRequest an offer
212150Micrometer setting measures up to 500 mm calibration U: (1…5) µmRequest an offer
212160Micrometer setting measures (>500…1000) mm calibration U: (3…15) µmRequest an offer
212161Micrometer setting measures >1000 mm calibration U: (15…30) µmRequest an offer
212180Three-point inside micrometer up to 200 mm calibration (at least 2 points) U: (2…4) µmRequest an offer
212270Measuring tape/dip tape up to 5 m calibration (up to 5 points) U: (0,2…0,3) mmRequest an offer
212290Measuring tape/dip tape (>5…20) m, calibration (up to 5 points) U: (0,2…0,8) mmRequest an offer
212305each next 20 m calibration, for measuring tape/dip tape (>20…120) m, applied with 212290Request an offer
212260Ring gauge/setting ring, plug gauge, diameter up to 60 mm, calibration
diameter in one direction U: (0,6…1,2) µm
Request an offer
212265Ring gauge/setting ring, plug gauge, diameter (>60…290) mm, calibration
diameter in one direction U: (1,0…2,0) µm
Request an offer
212280Ring gauge/setting ring, plug gauge calibration
roundness deviation at three heights U: (0,3…1) µm, applied with 212260 or 212265
Request an offer
212060Thread plug gauge calibration (pitch diameter) U: (3…5) µm Request an offer
212062Thread ring gauge calibration (pitch diameter) U: (3…5) µm Request an offer
212061Thread gauge calibration (pitch diameter, both sides of thread plug gauge GO/NOTGO)
U: (3…5) µm
Request an offer
212330Caliper (0…200) mm calibration (up to 5 points) U: (0,02…0,2) mmRequest an offer
212340Caliper (0…1000) mm; height-, depth- and inside calipers calibration (up to 5 points)
U: (0,02…0,2) mm
Request an offer
212350Caliper (0…2000) mm calibration (up to 5 points) U: (0,02…0,2) mmRequest an offer
212310Dial indicators and measuring heads, with scale division ≤1 μm calibration (up to 10 points)
U: (0,6…2,0) µm
Request an offer
212250Ruler calibration (scale division ≥1 mm, up to 5 points) U: (0,2…0,3) mmRequest an offer
212320Measuring wheel calibration U: (0,5…2) %Request an offer
212720Cable length measuring device calibration U: (0,2…1,5) %Request an offer
212730Cable measurement device on-site calibration U : (0,2…1,5) %Request an offer
212530Sieve calibration, diameter up to 200 mm (number of apertures measured according to table 4
in EVS-ISO 3310-1:2017, “compliance and inspection”), aperture (4…125) mm U: (0,03…0,10) mm
Request an offer
212531Sieve calibration, diameter up to 200 mm (number of apertures measured according to table 4
in EVS-ISO 3310-1:2017, “compliance and inspection”), aperture (0,4…3,55) mm U: (5…8) μm
Request an offer
212532Sieve calibration, diameter up to 200 mm (number of apertures measured according to table 4
in EVS-ISO 3310-1:2017, “compliance and inspection”), aperture (45…355) μm U: (3…5) μm
Request an offer
212535Sieve calibration, diameter up to 200 mm (EVS-ISO 3310-1:2017 in, “calibration”), aperture (4…125) mm U: (0,03…0,10) mmRequest an offer
212540Sieve calibration, diameter up to 200 mm (EVS-ISO 3310-1:2017 in, “calibration”), aperture (0,4…3,55) mm U: (5…8) μmRequest an offer
212545Sieve calibration, diameter up to 200 mm (EVS-ISO 3310-1:2017 in, “calibration”), aperture (45…355) μm U: (3…5) μmRequest an offer
212546Sieve calibration, diameter >200 mm, additional fee +20% (applied with 212530, 212531, 212532, 212535, 212540, 212545)Request an offer
212570Ultrasonic thickness gauges and coating thickness gauges (one range, Fe or NFe) calibration
(up to 5 points) U: (1…200) µm
Request an offer
212571Coating thickness gauges (two ranges, Fe + NFe) calibration (up to 5 points)
U: (1…200) µm
Request an offer
212600Laser distance meters calibration (up to 5 points) U: (1…5) mmRequest an offer
212580Measuring microscope calibration, up to two scales (each additional scale +20 %) U: (1…21) µm
Non-accredited calibration
Request an offer
212170Reading microscope calibration (up to 5 points) U : (3…20) µm
Non-accredited calibration
Request an offer
212380Angle gauge/protractor calibration (up to 5 points) U: 15’’…30’Request an offer
212360Square (deviation from vertical line, arm length up to 750 mm) calibration (up to 5 points)
U: (5…50) µm
Request an offer
212470Level (one surface, one bubble) and inclinometer, scale division >0,01°, calibration
U: (0,2…0,5) mm/m
Additional scale +20 %
Request an offer
212480Level and inclinometer calibration, scale division ≤0,2 mm/m or ≤0,01° (up to 5 points)
U: (0,005…0,2) mm/m
Request an offer
212490Laser level calibration (horizontal line in two directions, check of detector if available)
Non-accredited calibration
Request an offer
212520Straight edge, flat straight edge calibration (one surface)
Additional surface +60 % of main price
Non-accredited calibration
Request an offer
212390Vehicle accelerometer and decelerometer calibration (0…9,81) m/s2, U = 0,02 m/s2 ,
devices with static calibration regime
Request an offer
212500Surface plate flatness calibration, Moody’s method (side length up to 1000 mm)
Non-accredited calibration
Request an offer
212510Welding gauge calibration (up to three scales, each additional scale +20 % of main price)
Non-accredited calibration
Request an offer
212610Gauge block calibration base price for class K and 0 (additional unit price according to class and range), service of national measurement standard laboratoryRequest an offer
212611Gauge block calibration unit price, class K and 0, (0,5…100) mm, U≥[0,0542+(0,91×L)2]½ µm, service of national measurement standard laboratoryRequest an offer
212612Gauge block calibration unit price, class K and 0, (>100…500) mm, U≥[0,282+(1,2×L)2]½ µm, service of national measurement standard laboratoryRequest an offer
212660Gauge block calibration base price for class 1 and 2 (additional unit price according to class and range)Request an offer
212620Gauge block calibration unit price, class 1 and 2, (0,5…100) mm, U≥(0,07+0,6×L) µm Request an offer
212650Gauge block calibration unit price, class 1 and 2, (>100…1000) mm, U≥(0,2+2×L) µm Request an offer
212550Feeler gauge, radius gauge, pin gauge calibration base price (additional unit price will be added, code 212560)Request an offer
212560Feeler gauge, radius gauge, pin gauge calibration, unit price.
Applied with 212550
Request an offer

Additional point etc. +20 % of main price; time based tariff applies if Metrosert must dismount pressure gauge for calibration. If Metrosert has to install a data logging software on computer, time based tariff applies (min 30 minutes).
213070Pressure gauge accuracy class ≥1,0 calibration (analog readout, up to 70 MPa, up to 5 points)
U≥0,2 % (in case of conformity assessment – the expanded uncertainty of measurements is not taken into account in the statement of conformity)
Request an offer
213350Pressure gauge accuracy class ≥1,0 calibration (analog readout, ≥70 MPa, up to 5 points) U≥0,2 % (in case of conformity assessment – the expanded uncertainty of measurements is not taken into account in the statement of conformity)Request an offer
213080Tyre pressure gauge, oxygen pressure gauge and pressure gauge with digital readout accuracy class ≥1,0 calibration (up to 5 points) U≥0,2 %Request an offer
213310Pressure gauge accuracy class >0,1…<1,0 (including also devices with relative scale, digital and analog readout, sensors with indicator, loggers, differential pressure gauges), range >25 kPa
(250 mbar, 3,5 psi) calibration (up to 5 points) 0,05 %≤U≤0,2 %
Request an offer
213130Micromanometer calibration (up to 3 points, range 5 Pa…25 kPa) U≥0,2 PaRequest an offer
213240Pressure transducer (voltage/current output) accuracy class >0,1 calibration (up to 5 points, incl. zero) 0,05 %≤U≤0,2 %Request an offer
213250Pressure reference standard (exclud. pressure balances), accuracy class ≤0,1 calibration (up to 5 points) 0,01 %≤U≤0,05 %Request an offer
213330Barometer calibration, range (950…1050) hPa (up to 3 points) U≥0,2 hPaRequest an offer
213340Absolute pressure gauge calibration (up to 3 points), range (3…200) kPa abs
0,05 %≤U≤0,2 %
Request an offer
213220Pressure balances piston-cylinder assembly (0…70) MPa calibration (effective area determined at 5 pressures) 0,01 %≤U≤0,05 %Request an offer
213260Non-automatic sphygmomanometer calibration/conformity assessment (e.g. according to requirements stated in EVS-EN ISO 81060-1:2012) (6…7 points) U≥0,2 %
The expanded uncertainty of measurements is not taken into account in the statement of conformity
Request an offer
213270Automatic and semi-automatic blood pressure monitor calibration (up to 3 systolic-diastolic pressure ranges) U≥0,3 kPa (2 mmHg)
Non-accredited calibration
Request an offer

Additional point +20 % of main price, except 214140 – temperature chambers, furnaces and freezers
214150Resistance thermometers (Pt) calibration at the fixed points (Hg, H20, Ga, Sn, Zn) main price
0,003 °C≤U<0,006 °C (includes calibration at one fixed point), service of national measurement standard laboratory
Request an offer
214151additional temperature at the fixed point (Hg, H20, Ga, Sn, Zn), applied with 214150, service of national measurement standard laboratoryRequest an offer
214160Thermometers Pt (-196…+400) °C calibration base price 0,008 °C≤U<0,08 °C, service of national measurement standard laboratoryRequest an offer
214161each calibration point, applied with 214160, service of national measurement standard laboratoryRequest an offer
214084Thermometers (-196…+300) °C, d≤0,1 °C, calibration (up to 3 points) 0,04 °C≤U<0,16 °CRequest an offer
214086Liquid-in-glass thermometers (-80…+300) °C, scale division ≤0,1 °C, calibration (up to 3 points)
0,04 °C≤U<0,16 °C
Request an offer
214010Liquid-in-glass thermometers (-40…+300) °C, scale division <0,5 °C, calibration (up to 3 points)Request an offer
214015Infrared thermometers (-30…+300) °C calibration (up to 3 points)Request an offer
214020Thermographic instrument (-15…+500) °C calibration (up to 5 points), service of national measurement standard laboratoryRequest an offer
214080Thermometers (-40…+400) °C (scale division/d≥0,1 °C) calibration (up to 3 points)Request an offer
214085Surface temperature probes, thermometers with surface probe (-25…+350) °C calibration (up to 3 points)Request an offer
214090Temperature data loggers (-40…+400) °C calibration (up to 3 points)Request an offer
214095Determination of time recording error of temperature data logger, applied with 214090Request an offer
214110Resistance thermometers, thermocouples (-40…+400) °C calibration (up to 3 points)Request an offer
214120Thermocouples (+400…+1100) °C calibration (up to 3 points)Request an offer
214140Temperature chambers, furnaces, freezers (-80…+1100) °C calibration (one temperature, one measuring location)Request an offer
214141each additional temperature, applied with 214140Request an offer
214142each additional measuring location, applied with 214140Request an offer
214180Temperature block calibrators (-40…+1100) °C calibration (up to 5 points)Request an offer

Additional point, wavelength etc. +20 % of main price
207024Spectrophotometer, photocolorimeter calibration (up to 3 wavelengths)Request an offer
207154Refractometer calibration (up to 5 points)Request an offer
207222Window-(light)transmittance meter calibration (up to 5 points)Request an offer
217010Luxmeter calibration (up to 10 points), (15…5000) lxRequest an offer
217040Optical filter calibration. For neutral density filter up to 3 wavelengths. For spectral filter peak wavelength values in range (250…900) nm Request an offer
217020Smoke opacity meter calibration (up to 5 points + check with the light beam unblocked/blocked)Request an offer
217030Colour meter calibration/surface colour measurement, colour coordinates X, Y, Z or L*, a*, b*
0≤X, Y, Z≤100 (0,6≤U˂20)
Request an offer

Additional point etc. +20 % of main price
Device with voltage/current output +20 % of main price
219050Flowmeter DN(15…40), t= (15…30) °C, Q = (0,006…25) m3/h calibration with water
(up to 3 points) U≥0,4 %
Request an offer
219060Flowmeter DN(50…100), t= (15…30) °C, Q = (0,3…250) m3/h calibration with water
(up to 3 points) U≥0,5 %
Request an offer

Request an offer

    We will answer your inquiry as soon as possible.

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    Service code: