The national metrology and applied research center Metrosert is joining the 2025 International Year of Quantum Science and Technology (IYQ) celebrations by launching the website The year 2025 marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of quantum mechanics. In honor of this milestone, Metrosert has created—a site that consolidates developments, news, and events related to quantum technology in Estonia.

Various quantum science and technology events will be held worldwide during this International Year to raise awareness and inspire young researchers. Estonia will also see a range of initiatives, workshops, and science outreach programs organized by the Estonian Physics Teachers’ Association.
Metrosert has taken an active role in popularizing quantum technology in Estonia. On Thursday, January 30, Metrosert will participate in sTARTUp Day 2025 in Tartu, an event expected to draw over 3,500 people involved or interested in startups. Within sTARTUp Day, Metrosert is hosting a seminar, “Quantum Technology for Real-World Companies and Future Unicorns“, focusing on current developments and future outlooks in quantum computing. Among the speakers are leading experts—Johannes Heinsoo (IQM) and Teppo Seesto (IBM Finland)—with Kalev Kaarna, Metrosert’s R&D sales manager, moderating.
To celebrate the anniversary year, Estonia will host several quantum technology-related events. These include Researchers’ Night activities at the University of Tartu’s Physics and Chemistry Departments, the launch of a poster exhibition at the Department of Physics and Tallinn University of Technology, themed days at the AHHAA Science Centre and the Energy Discovery Centre, presentations and workshops at the Physics Teachers’ Autumn Seminar, and a tour of MaxLab. The main organizer behind these events is the Estonian Physics Teachers’ Association.
Additionally, schools across Estonia will host lectures and workshops on quantum technology. The University of Tartu will launch an online course on quantum computing open to anyone interested, including a field trip to Espoo to see a real quantum computer in action.
In conjunction with the start of the Quantum Technology Year, Metrosert has created the new portal This recently launched website aims to bring together information and news on quantum technology, providing an overview of developments, collaboration opportunities, and events taking place in Estonia. It serves as a central platform where enthusiasts can find both academic and practical insights and gain a clearer view of quantum technology trends. The website will soon feature detailed dates and information about the anniversary year’s events mentioned above.
Quantum technology is a rapidly evolving field with the potential to become the next major technological development that shapes society. Celebrating the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology in Estonia is crucial for raising awareness of this exciting yet complex field, and for sparking interest among students, university learners, and businesses alike.
Read more about the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology.