Metrosert calibrates weighing instruments in the range of 1 mg to 150 t at the location of the weighing instruments or at Metrosert’s laboratories. Weights are calibrated in the range of 1 mg to 2000 kg, establishing their conventional true value.
Common measuring instruments that we calibrate:
- calibration of reference weights with the accuracy class of OIML E2, OIML F1 to OIML M3 (including services offered by the national measurement standard laboratory);
- calibration of special weights and the weights of pressure balances;
- calibration of weighing instruments of accuracy classes I, II, III and IIII;
- calibration of weighing instruments for special aplications;
- calibration of continuous totalisers, gravimetric filling instruments and hopper weighers;
- calibration of hanging and crane scales;
- calibration of wheel and axle load scales;
- calibration of truck scales and rail weighbridges;
- calibration of automatic scales.
Metrosert verifies the following weighing instruments:
- Non-automatic weighing instruments of classes II, III and IIII (scales from the ones used commercially in retail sales to truck scales and rail weighbridges)
- automatic catchweighers and checkweighers, class XII; XIII; XIIII; Y(II); Y(a); Y(b)
- automatic gravimetric filling instruments, class X(0,5); X(1); X(2)
- discontinuous totalisers, class 0,2; 0,5; 1; 2
- continuous totalisers, class 0,2; 0,5; 1; 2
- automatic rail weighbridges, class 0,5
Metrosert also performs the conformity assessment of weighing instruments in accordance with directives 2014/31/EU and 2014/32/EU (modules F and G).
- Measurement of the mass of objects from a milligram to 60 tonnes
- Weighing of vehicles
- Measurement of the density of weights
- Measurement of the magnetic properties of weights
The measurements of mass are traceable to the mass standard of the Estonian national measurement standard laboratory, the standards of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) and the standards of the German National Metrology Institute (PTB).
Calibration of standard weights at the national measurement standard laboratory
The mass national measurement standard laboratory calibrates the customers’ weights of accuracy classes OIML E2 to F1 in the range of 1 mg to 50 kg. Calibration is performed using the calibration and measurement capability recognised in the framework of the international arrangement CIPM MRA.
Gert Levik
+372 5816 9642
Andre Ustav
+372 5855 4300
Roman Fjodorov
+372 5912 6504
Calibration of standard weights at the National Measurement Standard laboratory
Allar Pärn
+372 5388 9335