Metrosert Supports Student Formula Team with Precise Measurements

On Wednesday, June 5th, the newest autonomous electric formula car, FEST24, was unveiled at Vabaduse Square in Tallinn. The team behind this impressive project consists of 60 students from Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) and Tallinn University of Applied Sciences. Metrosert supports the student formula project with precise measurements, including the critical task of measuring certain drivetrain components using a 3D measuring machine this year.

Lauri Lillepea, head of Metrosert’s Metrology Division, commented on one of Estonia’s most exciting engineering education projects: “Learning theory in the classroom is, of course, great and necessary, but this project gives young engineers a lot of practical experience. I even feel a bit envious thinking that something like this didn’t exist during my university years. 🙂 It’s an impressive project with a great team!”

TalTech’s Vice-Rector Hendrik Voll noted that while top universities in the USA are often ranked by the strength of their American football teams, the success of formula teams is a key indicator for top technical universities in Europe. “Our Formula Student team, comprising students from both the technical university and the applied sciences university, has consistently achieved top 10 positions out of nearly 1000 teams each year. This is a mark of quality by which we are known and valued throughout Europe.”

Formula Student Team Tallinn is a group of talented students from Tallinn University of Technology and Tallinn University of Applied Sciences who design and build an innovative formula car each year for the international engineering competition Formula Student. The team brings together students from various disciplines, such as mechanical engineering, electronics, and software engineering, to develop and compete with cutting-edge technology. The goal of the competition is to provide practical learning experience, enhance engineering skills, and successfully represent Estonia on international circuits. Every autumn, students from both universities can apply to join the student formula team, and this opportunity is also open to those who gain admission to the universities this summer.

Photos: William Kass