Other services

General terms and conditions of metrology services

CodeServicePrice EUR

Time based tariff
Time based tariff is calculated with maximum accuracy of 1/10 hour step ie 1/10 conforms to 0,1*80,00 = 8,00 EUR
401000Time based tariff (one hour of working time)Request an offer
403000Rental services, prices upon request

402010Transport fee EUR/km (from Metrosert to client and back)Request an offer
402011Transport fee EUR/km (from Metrosert to client and back)
when transporting trailer and/or weights above 500 kg
Request an offer
402030Transport fee, min 40 EURRequest an offer
402031Transport fee when transporting trailer and/or weights above 500 kg, min 50 EURRequest an offer
402020Expert travelling with customers transport, cost for transit time (hourly tariff)Request an offer
402040Waiting fee (cost for waiting time caused by customer, for on-site calibration/verification, hourly tariff)Request an offer
402060Courier services, within Estonia, weight of the parcel up to 15 kgRequest an offer
402070Courier services, within Estonia, weight of the parcel >15 kg…30 kgRequest an offer
402080Other expences while travelling (based on actual costs)

403010Calibration Certificate in EnglishRequest an offer
403020Duplicate of certificate (hard copy)Request an offer
403030Verification Certificate in English (copy with free translation)Request an offer
403040Hard copy of Calibration/Verification CertificateRequest an offer

404020Metrology-related training, group 1-10 persons, one dayRequest an offer
404030Metrology-related training, group 11-20 persons, one dayRequest an offer
404050Consultation, advisory services (time based tariff, minimum one hour)Request an offer

Request an offer

    We will answer your inquiry as soon as possible.

    Name of service:

    Service code: