
Metrosert’s research and development division regularly participates in international calls for proposals. Our international projects help us to develop our skills and knowledge and to maintain the international competitiveness of our research and development work.

Ongoing projects

Code/numberProject nameSummary of contentReference to additional information/home pageStartEnd
21NRM02Metrology for digital substation instrumentation (Digital-IT )The project concerns the calibration of measuring instruments used in digital substations. As a result of the development work, the project will enable the extension of the existing electrical power reference station capacity to the calibration of measuring instruments with digital signals (duration until 31 August 2025).Metrology for digital substation instrumentation (
ESTQCIEstonian Quantum Communication InfrastructureThe aim of the project is to build up a quantum testbed in Estonia and to increase the knowledge and competence of different parties in using and building quantum solutions (duration until 30 June 2025).RIKS – Riigi Infokommunikatsiooni Sihtasutus – EstQCI – Kvantside projekt01.01.202330.06.2025
22IEM05New calibration standards and methods for radiometry and photometry after
phaseout of incandescent lamps (NEWSTAND)
The aim of the project is to develop a spectral irradiance reference source(s) to cover the broad wavelength range from 250 nm to 2500 nm (duration until 31 May 2026).Home – NEWSTAND (
22DIT02Fundamental principles of sensor network metrology (FunSNM)The aim of the project is to investigate sensor networks from a metrology perspective and to develop reliable and accurate methods to assess data quality and uncertainty (duration until 31 August 2026).Fundamental principles of sensor network metrology – EURAMET01.09.202331.08.2026
22IEM06Self-calibrating photodiodes for UV and exploitation of induced junction technology (S-CALe UP)The aim of the project is to extend the performance of the previously developed reference detector to the ultraviolet (250…400) nm and near-infrared (800…1,000) nm wavelength regions with low uncertainty (duration until 31 May 2026).Self-calibrating photodiodes for UV and exploitation of induced junction technology – EURAMET01.06.202331.05.2026
23NRM04Normating color-center-based Quantum sensing Technology towards Industrial application and Standards (NoQTeS)Objective of the project is to develop traceable measurement and characterisation methods for quantum sensing technologies necessary to support standardisation of devices based on colour centres in diamond (duration until 31 May 2027).Normating colour-centre-based quantum sensing technology towards industrial application and standards (

Completed projects

Code/numberProject nameSummary of contentReference to additional information/home page
20FUN05Single and entangled photon sources for quantum metrology (SEQUME)The aim of the project is the further development of the optical metrology reference station (duration until 31 May 2024).SEQUME | Single and entangled photon sources for quantum metrology (
19NRM06Metrology for testing the implementation security of quantum key distribution hardware (MeTISQ)The aim of the project is to ensure traceability in the counting of individual photons in quantum cryptographic systems to support the development of the ETSI (European Standards Organization for Information and Communication Technology) standards (duration until 28 February 2024).Metrology for testing the implementation security of quantum key distribution hardware – EURAMET
15RPT04Traceability routes for electrical power quality measurementsThe aim of the project is to develop and validate a metrologically validated system for the measurement of electrical power and its quality parameters using the discrete method (duration until 31 May 2019)
15SIB07Future photometry based on solid-state lightning productsThe aim is to develop measurement methods for replacing obsolete incandescent technologies with new modern energy-efficient semiconductor luminaires (duration until 31 May 2019).EMPIR PhotoLED (
16NRM02Pavement surface characterisation for smart and efficient road lighting (SURFACE)The aim of the project is to update the parameters of road pavement materials and illuminance in international standards based on the results of new measurement methods (duration until 31 May 2020).SURFACE – SURFACE (
17RPT03A digital traceability chain for AC voltage and current (DIG-AC)The aim of the project is the development and implementation of a digital traceability circuit for the precision measurement of AC quantities (duration until 31 May 2021).DIG-AC A digital traceability chain for ac voltage and current (
17FUN06Single-photon sources as new quantum standards (SIQUST)The aim of the project is the development, testing, and metrological evaluation of new quantum reference sources (duration until 31 May 2021).SIQUST | Single-photon sources as new quantum standards
17NRM03Standards for the evaluation of the uncertainty of coordinate measurements in industry (EuCoM)The aim of the project is to support the ISO standards working group TC213 in simplifying and upgrading existing standards for the uncertainty assessment of measurements performed by 3D measuring machines in industrial applications (duration until 30 June 2021).Eucom | (
17RPT04A versatile electrical impedance calibration laboratory based on digital impedance bridges (VersiCal)The aim of the project is the development of a digital measurement bridge for the realisation of inductance and capacitance scales at the primary level (duration until 30 June 2021).Home (
18SIB10Self-calibrating photodiodes for the radiometric linkage to fundamental constants“ (chipSCALe)The aim of the project is to develop the reliable traceability of optical power measurements to the new International System of Units (SI) basic unit of measurement (duration until 30 November 2022).EMPIR chipS·CALe (
20SCP01Supporting smart specialisation and stakeholder linkage in Photometry and Radiometry (SmartPhora)The aim of the project is to help emerging metrology institutes to develop services in the field of optics (duration until 28 February 2023).
21SCP01Supporting the implementation of Digital Calibration Certificates in the European metrology community (DCC2G0)The aim of the project is to raise awareness of the digital calibration certificate through various presentations and information materials (duration until 30 September 2023).DCC2GO – Project (